I hve been involved with the Triratna Buddhist Community since 1980 and have written extensively about the Community, including its difficulties
‘The Sound of One Hand’. Why You’ll Love this Funny, Moving Triratna Memoir
The Sound of One HandBy SatyadasaWindhorse Publications, 2022 Like Satyadasa I’ve been a part of the Triratna Buddhist Community for the whole of my...
Discipleship and its Discontents
In recent years Sangharakshita, the teacher and founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order has restated the importance of discipleship. But what does it means to be a disciple – in general and in relation to Sangharakshita in particular? How can we acknowledge squarely the difficulties this relationship can contain?
Marking Sangharakshita’s Death
Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order died on 30th October 2019, aged 93. This is an 'official' obituary, which I...
Dharma Life Magazine
For nine years, from 1996 to 2005 I edited Dharma Life magazine, which explored the encounter between Buddhism and the modern world. Most of the...
Appreciating Vajraloka
Vajraloka Meditation Retreat Centre is a wonderful resource for anyone who wants to meditate in beautiful and deeply tranquil surroundings. Little known outside The Triratna Buddhist Community, Vajraloka is one of the UK’s longest-established Buddhist retreat centres.