Engaging Politically as a Buddhist

Engaging Politically as a Buddhist

The UK is experiencing political turmoil in the wake of the EU referendum and, judging by my Facebook feed, many British Buddhists are following events closely. Here are some reflections on how we can do so most effectively. Engaging as Buddhists When Buddhists engage...
Service is Worth More than Money

Service is Worth More than Money

Public fury at politicians are on the make shows that we want them to serve, not profit. Thats an inkling of the Buddhist practice of dedicating one’s whole life to serving all beings Weekend Word, BBC Radio Wales, 27.2.2015 Whatever Jack Straw and Malcolm...
Mindfulness is Political

Mindfulness is Political

Mindfulness practice is sometimes presented as a way of coping better with what society throws at us. But the implicit message is more radical and more political. What does mindfulness tell us about our society and how we might change it? The recent cover of Time...