The Mindfulness All Party Parliamentary Group (MAPPG) launched its interim report on Wednesday 14th January in the UK’s Westminster parliament, with proposals for how public policy can help make Britain a more ‘Mindful Nation’. Lord Richard Layard, the leading...
I’d like to share news of a unique, project I’m involved in right now: The Mindfulness Initiative and the Mindfulness All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) in the UK parliament. I’m a Mindfulness Initiative Associate and part of a team editing APPG’s report called, A...
The Wellbeing Economics All Party Parliamentary Group in the UK’s Westminster parliament had a meeting discussing mindfulness on 9th April 2014. Here’s my report; you can see an ‘official’ write-up here. I have just attended a meeting at the...
Here is a clip of a news programme on PM, the BBC Radio 4 afternoon news programme describing the mindfulness courses that have been running in Westminster for MPs and Lords. Listen Now This is the first mainstream coverage of the courses I know of other than a blog...