by Vishvapani | Feb 6, 2023 | Reviews
An account of escaping Auschwitz with a sobering reflection on how deeply we repress knowledge of death: a Holocaust lesson for the post-truth world The usual question the Holocaust raises is: ‘How could this happen, how could people act so inhumanely’. In...
by Vishvapani | Feb 12, 2021 | Buddhism, Featured, Thought for the Day
Covid-19 has brought home to everyone our unavoidable vulnerability and mortality. This is a central theme of Buddhist teachings, which we mark on Parinirvana Day, which commemorates the Buddha’s passing away Thought for the Day 12.02.2021 In a mid-winter chill...
by Vishvapani | Jun 27, 2014 | Featured, Thought for the Day
The world is full of suffering. The times are troubled. How can we respond with wisdom and compassion to our struggles, other people’s and the world’s? Thought for the Day 27.6.2014 It’s early morning in Cardiff. A rough-shaven Afghan man stirs painfully...
by Vishvapani | Sep 22, 2012 | Buddhism
Reflection on Death Here is my version of the second of the four reminders (also called the Four Preliminary Reflections): reflection on death and mortality. One day I will die. I cannot avoid it. It comes to everyone, and it will come to me. Everyone who has lived in...