Wise Attention Blog
Wise Attention includes 20 years of writing exploring what it means to practice Buddhism, mindfulness and ethics in the modern world. You’ll find reviews, talks, interviews, broadcasts and reflection on the arts as well as reflections on the Buddha and Buddhist teachings
Burmese Atrocities: The Problem With A Buddhist State
In Burma Buddhists are committing atrocities against Muslim Rohingyas. We must speak out, not just against the violence, but the very idea of a Buddhist nation that underpins it. Thought for the Day 12.09.2017 When I hear about the horrific...
Helping the Caring Professions
Police officers, and others in the public sector, often care deeply about what they do. But pressure is growing and stress is rising. Buddhist-inspired emotional intelligence can speak to these difficulties.
If Technology Served Buddhist Goals
What ground rules does Buddhism propose for how data is used and intelligent machines operate?
Mindful Eating
We're eating more and putting on weight. Why is it so hard to change our habits, and how can simplicity and paying mindful attention help? I am sure I'm not the only one finds himself delving into the fridge for a snack and then asking, "What on earth am I doing?"...
The Buddha’s Vision
Buddhists are celebrating Buddha Day or Wesak this week. But 2,600 years on, is Buddhism still relevant?
Syria: Responding With Compassion
Compassion is what happens when a loving heart meets suffering. Following the chemical attack in Syria and American strikes, what is a compassionate response?
Recalling the Buddha’s Death
Today is Parinirvana Day when Buddhists mark the death of the Buddha. The body’s impermanence calls us to be mindful and alert
The Dark Side of Buddhist History
Martin Scorsese’s film, Silence, shows Buddhists persecuting Christians in Japan, opening a window on the dark side of Buddhist history? How should modern Buddhists respond?
Children’s Mental Health: the Big Perspective
The childhood mental health crisis demands we think differently about our society. Buddhism and mindfulness show how we can take greater account of our minds and what they need
Fire, Ice and Darkness
Greed and hatred are evident in the world. But behind them is the most powerful force of all: ignorance Prophetic statements can be simple and understated, and none is simpler and more cooly accurate than Robert Frost's poem Fire and Ice. Some say the world will end...
Roald Dahl and the Karma Factory
The celebrations of Roald Dahl Day show that his wonderful and highly moral books are as fresh as ever. What does child’s-eye morality mean for adults?
Burning with Impermanence
Setting alight a replica of London in 1666 to commemorate the Great Fire of London was a stirring evocation of impermanence
Entering the Anthropocene: How Our Minds Shape the Planet
Geologists are proposing that we declare a new era: the anthropocene, in which human beings are decisively shaping the planet. Buddhism points to the underlying issue: our minds.
Engaging Politically as a Buddhist
The UK is experiencing political turmoil in the wake of the EU referendum and, judging by my Facebook feed, many British Buddhists are following events closely. Here are some reflections on how we can do so most effectively. Engaging as Buddhists When Buddhists engage...
Taking Football’s Ups and Downs
Here in Wales, we’re simultaneously mourning the Football team’s exit from Euro 2016 and celebrating their achievements. How the Buddha’s teachings help?
Keeping Perspective in the Brexit Crisis
On Thursday night, many of us in Britain went to bed hoping and expecting that Remain would win the EU referendum. We woke up to learn of the opposite result. Now we’re in the midst of financial and political crisis that is spreading in all directions. I share the...
Mindful Eating: Review
Why do you feel like eating right now? Jan Choden Bays guides you in bringing a subtle and detailed awareness to a natural activity that can become very fraught
The Historical Buddha and the Eternal Buddha
On Buddha Day Buddhists ask what the Buddha means today, so long after his death. Is he an historical figure or an eternal principle? Thought for the Day 21.6. 2016 hen Gautama, the man history knows as The Buddha, died two-and-a-half thousand years ago his followers...