Wise Attention Blog

Wise Attention includes 20 years of writing exploring what it means to practice Buddhism, mindfulness and ethics in the modern world. You’ll find reviews, talks, interviews, broadcasts and reflection on the arts as well as reflections on the Buddha and Buddhist teachings

Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

We're eating more and putting on weight. Why is it so hard to change our habits, and how can simplicity and paying mindful attention help? I am sure I'm not the only one finds himself delving into the fridge for a snack and then asking, "What on earth am I doing?"...

Fire, Ice and Darkness

Fire, Ice and Darkness

Greed and hatred are evident in the world. But behind them is the most powerful force of all: ignorance Prophetic statements can be simple and understated, and none is simpler and more cooly accurate than Robert Frost's poem Fire and Ice.  Some say the world will end...

Engaging Politically as a Buddhist

Engaging Politically as a Buddhist

The UK is experiencing political turmoil in the wake of the EU referendum and, judging by my Facebook feed, many British Buddhists are following events closely. Here are some reflections on how we can do so most effectively. Engaging as Buddhists When Buddhists engage...

Keeping Perspective in the Brexit Crisis

Keeping Perspective in the Brexit Crisis

On Thursday night, many of us in Britain went to bed hoping and expecting that Remain would win the EU referendum. We woke up to learn of the opposite result. Now we’re in the midst of financial and political crisis that is spreading in all directions. I share the...