Wise Attention Blog

Wise Attention includes 20 years of writing exploring what it means to practice Buddhism, mindfulness and ethics in the modern world. You’ll find reviews, talks, interviews, broadcasts and reflection on the arts as well as reflections on the Buddha and Buddhist teachings

The Edible is Ethical

The Edible is Ethical

Eating meat increases global warming and causes animals to suffer. That's why Buddhism sides with vegetarians and vegans in seeing food as a moral issue. It’s a little awkward for a vegetarian to talk about food at breakfast-time. But this week...

The Ethics of Communication

The Ethics of Communication

As a society we constantly confront questions around how we should speak to each other about difficult issues. The Buddhist speech precepts offer a framework for ethical reflection on how we communicate Last week it was antisemitism in the...

What is the connection between mindfulness and ethics, and how does mindfulness fit into the Buddhist Path? In this talk, Vishvapani places mindfulness in an ethical context and explains what ethics means within Buddhism. 

Mindfulness and Depression

Behind Dale Winton's breezy persona lay years of secret depression. Can mindfulness help people in his situation? Weekend Word, BBC Radio Wales 20.04.18 The news that Dale Winton died on Wednesday, aged 62, has shone a light on the troubled...

Mindfulness and Depression

Dale Winton suffered from depression for many years. Can mindfulness help people in his situation? Weekend Word, BBC Radio Wales, 20.04.18 The news that Dale Winton died on Wednesday, aged 62, has shone a light on the troubled life behind his...

Faith in the Buddha

Buddhists often talk about Enlightenment, but what does it mean? The Buddha is the object of faith in Buddhism, so in what are we placing our faith? Vishvapani (who has written a book about the Buddha) explores these questions and talks about what faith in...

The Meaning of Faith

Faith is 'the first of the five spiritual faculties’ taught by the Buddha; but in English it has many associations - ‘blind faith’, ‘leaps of faith’, faith as the alternative to ‘reason’ and so on. Vishvapani speaks about what faith means for Buddhists in...

The Skill of Ethics

The Skill of Ethics

Education focuses more and more on learning skills. The Buddhist idea of ethics as skilfulness makes a link between ordinary skills and he rely of ethics and spiritual life. On yesterday's programme we heard from apprentices at Sheffield...

Poverty Safari – Review

Poverty Safari – Review

Poverty Safari is an eloquent account of poverty and the dangers and delusions that await people who emerge from it into a media spotlight. Change, he suggests, needs start with people.

Can We Create A Mindful Society?

Can We Create A Mindful Society?

Society faces an array of challenges that require us to attend to our minds and mental states. The mental health crisis, the wellbeing agenda, the attention economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution all challenge our capacity to cope with - let alone...