Wise Attention Blog

Wise Attention includes 20 years of writing exploring what it means to practice Buddhism, mindfulness and ethics in the modern world. You’ll find reviews, talks, interviews, broadcasts and reflection on the arts as well as reflections on the Buddha and Buddhist teachings

Review of Gautama Buddha (AREIAC Newsletter)

Review of Gautama Buddha (AREIAC Newsletter)

“Excellent … thorough, carefully researched and well-written … A very readable and impressive account of one of the world’s most important religious leaders.”
Paul Hopkins reviews “Gautama Buddha” for the Association of Religious Education Inspectors, Advisers and Consultants: AREIAC Newsletter, Autumn, 2011

The Buddha, Nature & Politics

The Buddha, Nature & Politics

In the second part of this interview with Will Buckingham on the ThinkBuddha blog, we discuss the place of nature in the Buddha’s life, his relationship with politics and the modern resonance of these subjects

Legend & History in the Buddha’s Life

Legend & History in the Buddha’s Life

Here’s Part 1 of an email interview with Will Buckingham of the ThinkBuddha blog about my book, Gautama Buddha: the Life & Teachings of the Awakened One. It explores why I wrote the book and how I approached the distinction between legend and history in the Buddha’s life

Learning from Ladakh: A Meeting with Helena Norberg Hodge

Learning from Ladakh: A Meeting with Helena Norberg Hodge

Helena Norberg Hodge saw the ill-effects of western-style development on the Himalayan Buddhist region, Ladakh. She has spent many years supporting sustainable development in Ladakh and reflecting on what development really means. I met her in Devon to talk about her work, her book ‘Ancient Futures’ and Ladakh’s lessons for the West

Secular Buddhist Reviews ‘Gautama Buddha’

Secular Buddhist Reviews ‘Gautama Buddha’

This review of ‘Gautama Buddha’, my biography of the Buddha by Stephen Schettini appears on the website of the Secular Buddhist Association. “Vishvapani Blomfield’s Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One is one of a new breed of Buddha biographies…”

Mindfulness in Action – new website

Mindfulness in Action – new website

I’ve made a new website for my mindfulness training work at www.mindfulnessinaction.co.uk. It includes details of my courses, workshops and distance learning, as well as background material on MBSR and how it helps. There are media pieces and videos. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Guru Trouble

Guru Trouble

Wise men, eccentrics, geniuses and charlatans. Gurus have featured large as Buddhism has come the West. What should we make of them? Reviews of Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon: Theosophy and the Emergence of the Western Guru by Peter Washington; Riding the Tiger by Lama Ole Nydahl; Zen In America by Helen Tworkov

Giving Life

Giving Life

As the UK debates how much women should be paid to donate eggs to infertile couples for IVF this Thought for the Day explores the real value of altruism, placing it in the context of Mahayana Buddhist teachings.

Take a Breathing Space

Take a Breathing Space

A breathing space is a way to regain calm and poise in the midst of a hectic day, reconnecting with yourself and broadening out your experience. Try it now!

Memento Mori

Memento Mori

It’s easy to think that Insight, Wisdom and Enlightenment are far beyond the level of our experience. But if we reflect on our experience in the light of teachings such as the Worldly Winds we sometimes find that the deeper truths are present right now