Wise Attention Blog

Wise Attention includes 20 years of writing exploring what it means to practice Buddhism, mindfulness and ethics in the modern world. You’ll find reviews, talks, interviews, broadcasts and reflection on the arts as well as reflections on the Buddha and Buddhist teachings

‘Compassion for My Torturer’: A Meeting With Palden Gyatso

‘Compassion for My Torturer’: A Meeting With Palden Gyatso

Tibetan Buddhist monk, Palden Gyatso, spent 33 years imprisoned by the Chinese and drew deep on his Buddhist practice to survive his brutal treatment. He escaped to the West to tell his story, and when I met him in London he told me about his experiences and reflections. ‘I never regretted what I did. I did not put up the posters to alleviate my own suffering, but for the good of Tibet. The whole country was in prison, so it was not important what happened to me’.

Don’t Rely on Lineage

Many Buddhist traditions claim that they are reliable and authoritative because they inherit a lineage of realised masters dating back to prestigious teachers of the ancient past. That sounds impressive and appealing but the Buddha advised us to check out the truth of a teaching in our own experience. Perhaps the whole notion of lineage is a beguiling diversion from what Buddhist practice is really about.

Discovering the Buddha

Discovering the Buddha

What’s left to say about the Buddha? Everything, I discovered in writing my biography: Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teaching of the Awakened One. And the funny, original, surprising Buddha of history is more relevant than ever

Kalu Rinpoche’s Confessional Video and the Tulku Fantasy

Kalu Rinpoche’s Confessional Video and the Tulku Fantasy

The young Kalu Rinpoche, reborn ‘tulku’ of a respected Tibetan Buddhist teacher, has posted a video detailing sexual abuse by Buddhist monks, his tutor’s attempt to murder him and his descent into drug addiction and alcoholism. His testimony should lead us to question the tulku system and the adulation blinding us to its problems

The Fall of a Banker

The Fall of a Banker

Fred Goodwin was a start of the banking world. His risks failed, the market turned and he’s been stripped of his knighthood. The worldly winds are blowing again: Weekend Word (Good Morning Wales, 03/02/12)

Dharma Life Magazine

Dharma Life Magazine

For nine years, from 1996 to 2005 I edited Dharma Life magazine, which explored the encounter between Buddhism and the modern world. Most of the articles from issues 15-26 are posted online at www.dharmalife.com, and you can find them...

Belonging & Identity

Belonging & Identity

There are jobs in the South East, but the regions and deprived areas are losing out as the recession bites. But people South Wales where I live have a sense of identity and belonging that can’t just be transplanted. Thought for the Day 24/12/2012

Buddhism’s Happiness Agenda

The UK government intends to shape its policies according to what promotes happiness and wellbeing. But what is happiness, and what are the factors, according to Buddhism, that develop it? Thought for the Day 17th January 2012

The Dharma of Dickens

The Dharma of Dickens

Dickens’ moral vision mirrors the Buddhist teaching of karma: every character is a moral actor, whether they know it or now, inhabiting a fictional world that is imbued with a meaning and where every action has significance.