by Vishvapani | Apr 5, 2023 | arts, Reviews
After Cézanne,By Maitreyabandhu,Bloodaxe, 2019 Maitreyabandhu’s most recent poetry collection reflects on Cézanne’s paintings and is a subtle meditation on the possibilities of art and perception The epigraph of Maitreyabandhu’s most recent collection After Cézanne is...
by Vishvapani | Mar 2, 2023 | arts, Reviews
Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a ritualised drama that summons demonic forces in the hero and the world the play creates. What happens when a production refuses to close the ritual when the play ends? A few years ago I wrote an essay on Macbeth and Karma, calling the...
by Vishvapani | Feb 6, 2023 | Reviews
An account of escaping Auschwitz with a sobering reflection on how deeply we repress knowledge of death: a Holocaust lesson for the post-truth world The usual question the Holocaust raises is: ‘How could this happen, how could people act so inhumanely’. In...
by Vishvapani | Dec 29, 2022 | arts, Featured, Reviews
I sat down on Christmas Eve to watch ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ – it’s been a while – expecting a comforting serving of Christmas sentimentality with extra cheese. What I saw was a polemic about banking and a parable about karma and interconnectedness. You may be...
by Vishvapani | Apr 6, 2022 | Reviews, Triratna
The Sound of One HandBy SatyadasaWindhorse Publications, 2022 Like Satyadasa I’ve been a part of the Triratna Buddhist Community for the whole of my adult life. He’s about a decade younger than me, but many of the Triratna experiences he describes in The Sound of One...
by Vishvapani | Mar 25, 2021 | arts, Reviews
Lincoln in the Bardo, winner of the 2017 Mann Booker Prize, has been widely praised as a remarkable vision of human life and its possibilities that is formally daring but also moving and accessible. It is all those things, but it is also the first truly great western...