by Vishvapani | Dec 5, 2018 | Politics, Reflections
Brexit has created a political crisis that could prompt an economic one. A way to get behind the headlines to the ethical issues is to see it as a crisis of trust Britain is currently in the midst of a political crisis. It’s the biggest such crisis I can remember...
by Vishvapani | Mar 23, 2015 | Practice, Reflections
Everything changes all the time: our bodies, other people and the world around us. In fact, change and impermanence are the fundamental realities of our lives. Change is often painful, so typically we resist it, and that can cause all sorts of problems. Mindfulness...
by Vishvapani | Dec 10, 2014 | Reflections
Kisagotami lost her child and went mad. The Buddha’s skilful teaching helped her see a wider truth One day when the Buddha was teaching a woman called Kisagotami, burst in on him. She was distraught and on her hip she carried a baby. She threw herself at...
by Vishvapani | Jan 1, 2012 | Mindfulness, Reflections
I was sitting in a café with my friend David when he said, ‘There’s something to look at behind you.’ I glanced across, trying not to be obvious. All I saw was an old woman eating her soup. David leaned forward. ‘She’s like a Rembrandt.’ I looked again and noticed her...
by Vishvapani | Oct 8, 2011 | Featured, Practice, Reflections
At the start of the Triratna Urban Retreat, as people around the world join together for a period of intensified practice, here’s a reflection on practising at home, developing mindfulness in daily life and the influence of the worldly winds: praise and blame,...