Memento Mori

Memento Mori

Insight, Wisdom and Enlightenment are big, impressive and rather scary words. It’s easy to think that they are far beyond the level of our daily practice and that what’s relevant right now is just simple ethics, mindfulness and trying to be kind. But digging a bit...
Practising at Home

Practising at Home

At the start of the Triratna Urban Retreat, as people around the world join together for a period of intensified practice, here’s a reflection on practising at home, developing mindfulness in daily life and the influence of the worldly winds: praise and blame,...
Wise Decisions

Wise Decisions

Decisions shape our lives, but psychologists say we are remarkably bad at making them. That’s true of strategic decisions, tactical decisions and decisions made in the heat of the moment. Typically, we are poor at assessing risk, understanding probabilities and...