by Vishvapani | Jan 1, 2012 | Mindfulness, Reflections
I was sitting in a café with my friend David when he said, ‘There’s something to look at behind you.’ I glanced across, trying not to be obvious. All I saw was an old woman eating her soup. David leaned forward. ‘She’s like a Rembrandt.’ I looked again and noticed her...
by Vishvapani | Dec 21, 2011 | Buddhism, Mindfulness, Practice
If you could sum up the whole of the Buddha’s teaching in a single word that word might be ‘impermanence’: the fact that everything around us is changing all the time and that therefore we can change ourselves. That’s easy to say, but knowing that...
by Vishvapani | Dec 5, 2011 | Buddhist World, Practice, Vishvapani
Challenging Times: Stories of Buddhist Practice When Things Get Tough Edited by Vishvapani Available from the Windhorse online store, £10.99 Interview on the Windhorse Publications Blog How would you introduce ‘Challenging Times’ to those...
by Vishvapani | Nov 13, 2011 | Mindfulness
I’ve made a new website for my mindfulness training work at It includes details of my courses, workshops and distance learning, as well as background material on MBSR and how it helps. There’s also a mindfulness blog plus...
by Vishvapani | Nov 8, 2011 | Buddha, Buddhism, Practice, Talks
Trouble in the Sangha: the Buddha’s teaching following the Quarrel at Kosambi Sangha Day, 2011 (Talk at Cardiff Buddhist Centre) Listen to the talk The Sangha Jewel represents an ideal of unity and harmony in the spiritual community of Buddhists. But unlike the...
by Vishvapani | Oct 17, 2011 | Mindfulness
A breathing space is a way to regain calm and poise in the midst of a hectic day, reconnecting with yourself and broadening out your experience. Try it now! Take a Breathing Space It’s easy to identify the practice of meditation and mindfulness with the period of...