On Thursday night, many of us in Britain went to bed hoping and expecting that Remain would win the EU referendum. We woke up to learn of the opposite result. Now we’re in the midst of financial and political crisis that is spreading in all directions. I share the...
On Buddha Day Buddhists ask what the Buddha means today, so long after his death. Is he an historical figure or an eternal principle? Thought for the Day 21.6. 2016 hen Gautama, the man history knows as The Buddha, died two-and-a-half thousand years ago his followers...
Buddhism: An Introduction by Alexander Wynne, I.B. Taurus, London 2015 Alexander Wynne’s excellent book is nothing like most ‘introductions’ to Buddhism. There’s no blow by blow explanation of the Eightfold Path or other basic doctrines. As...
South Wales is poor and steelworkers job losses will make it poorer still. What does Buddhism, with its stress on self development have to offer? And how does caring for yourself connect with caring for others? It’s been a bad week here South Wales, with news...
The response to David Bowie’s death shows his impact. What does his work mean for a Buddhist? Thought for the Day 13.1.2016 Speaking to friends since David Bowie’s death, I’ve noticed that each of us has woven him into a very personal story of our...
Sad to say, for many of us, the season of peace and goodwill has become a time of stress and indulgence. Here’s a mindful survival kit Pace Yourself Christmas starts with battling through the seasonal crowds and keeps going to the New Year hangover. We need to...