Today is Parinirvana Day when Buddhists mark the death of the Buddha. The body’s impermanence calls us to be mindful and alert Thought for the Day 15/2/2017 Today Buddhists mark the death of the Buddha in a festival called Parinirvana Day. Aged 35, 4 or 500...
Martin Scorsese’s film, Silence, shows Buddhists persecuting Christians in Japan, opening a window on the dark side of Buddhist history? How should modern Buddhists respond? It’s intriguing to hear that the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have...
The childhood mental health crisis demands we think differently about our society. Buddhism & mindfulness show how we can take account of our minds When I was a kid, flinging insults around in the playground I remember us saying: ‘You’re a looney. You... The celebrations of Roald Dahl Day show that his wonderful and highly moral books are as fresh as ever. What does child’s-eye morality mean for adults? Yesterday, I took my son... Setting alight a replica of London in 1666 to commemorate the Great Fire of London was a stirring evocation of impermanence I wish I’d been at the Tate Modern on Sunday night when a 120 metre...
I once spent a month in a monastery in the mountains of Bhutan. It sounds romantic, and the pristine beauty lived up to the image. When I left a mule driver came to take my belongings and watched bemused as I tried to attach my refuse bags to the animal. The mule...