by Vishvapani | Feb 29, 2016 | Buddhism, Featured, Reviews
Buddhism: An Introduction by Alexander Wynne, I.B. Taurus, London 2015 Alexander Wynne’s excellent book is nothing like most ‘introductions’ to Buddhism. There’s no blow by blow explanation of the Eightfold Path or other basic doctrines. As...
by Vishvapani | Sep 7, 2015 | Buddhism in the West, Featured, Gautama Buddha, Reviews
What if one of the philosophers who travelled to India with Alexander the Great had encountered Buddhism, become a monastic practitioner and then returned to Greece, where he taught Buddhism but was remembered only as a Greek philosopher? Greek Buddha argues that this...
by Vishvapani | May 11, 2015 | Buddhism in the West, Featured, Reviews
What does Buddhism have to say about our society and how can it become a force for social change? The Buddha on Wall Street What’s Wrong with Capitalism and What We Can Do about It Vaddhaka Linn, Windhorse Publications,, Cambridge, 2015, ISBN: 9781909314443 ...
by Vishvapani | Dec 18, 2014 | Buddhism, Featured, Thought for the Day
What are the ultimate causes of the Pakistan school massacre, and how can we how can we stop violence proliferating – in our minds and in the world? Of all the horrors we’ve seen in the international conflict with radical Islam, Wednesday’s...
by Vishvapani | Dec 17, 2014 | Buddhism in the West, Featured, Mindfulness
I’d like to share news of a unique, project I’m involved in right now: The Mindfulness Initiative and the Mindfulness All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) in the UK parliament. I’m a Mindfulness Initiative Associate and part of a team editing APPG’s report called, A...
by Vishvapani | Aug 14, 2014 | Buddhism, Featured, Mindfulness, Thought for the Day
In the wake of Robin Williams’ suicide, we’re talking more about mental illness and distress. Here’s how mindfulness can help in working with difficult mental states Hearing the reflections around Robin Williams’ death, I wonder if we’re finally...