by Vishvapani | Aug 16, 2019 | Buddhism
How can we balance openness and emotional sensitivity, with traditionally masculine qualities like courage and fortitude? The Buddha’s story of the Two Arrows offers an answer Your Title Goes Here by Artist Name Lords was awash with red yesterday on the second...
by Vishvapani | Jul 5, 2019 | Buddhism
On June 26th 2019 I represented Buddhists at a gathering of the interfaith group The Faith For The Climate Network. Here’s my talk This is text of my talk to the Faith for the Climate speakers meeting at Church House on June 25th. The other speakers...
by Vishvapani | May 18, 2019 | Buddhism, Featured, Thought for the Day
It’s fitting that Vesak, the festival Buddhists celebrate on Sunday to mark the Buddha and his understanding of the human condition, falls this year in Mental Health Awareness week. The story of the Buddha’s meeting with Kisagotami makes the connection....
by Vishvapani | May 13, 2019 | Buddhism, Thought for the Day
To live sustainably we need to change our lifestyles and that means changing our image of ‘the good life’ Where can we find values to support that? Listen Here At the start of the mindfulness courses I teach I lead the group through a simple exercise. Each...
by Vishvapani | Jan 26, 2019 | Buddhism, Comment, Environment, Politics
Wales is pioneering a radical approach to sustainable development that links climate change with other kinds of social change. It chimes with Buddhism’s holistic view of wellbeing The Wellbeing of Future Generations by Vishvapani | Thought for the Day 26.1.2019...
by Vishvapani | Nov 13, 2018 | Buddhism, Triratna
Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order died on 30th October 2019, aged 93. This is an ‘official’ obituary, which I wrote well in advance of the event, plus a talk I gave at the Cardiff Buddhist Centre on the evening of the day he...