by Vishvapani | Feb 12, 2021 | Buddhism, Featured, Thought for the Day
Covid-19 has brought home to everyone our unavoidable vulnerability and mortality. This is a central theme of Buddhist teachings, which we mark on Parinirvana Day, which commemorates the Buddha’s passing away Thought for the Day 12.02.2021 In a mid-winter chill...
by Vishvapani | Nov 7, 2020 | Buddhism, Featured, Thought for the Day
If the second lockdown is to work, people need to get behind it. We need to feel its importance once again, and I think we need rituals to help us Thought for the Day 07.11.2020 As England starts its four week lockdown, here in Wales, we’re coming to the end of a two...
by Vishvapani | Jan 31, 2020 | Buddhism, Featured, Politics, Thought for the Day
Brexit Day is an important milestone, but it’s part of the process that has lasted for three years and divided the country. Setting aside our preferences about Brexit, how can we engage with what’s happening in line with Buddhist values Weekend Word, BBC Radio...
by Vishvapani | Dec 4, 2019 | Buddhism, Mindfulness, Public Policy
Mindfulness & Government in Wales A unique collaboration between the Welsh Government and mindfulness teachers and reseachers is supporting the impact of mindfulness on sectors such as Education and Mental Health. But can mindfulness really change society and what...
by Vishvapani | Oct 29, 2019 | arts, Buddhism
Harold Bloom, a man of letters in the old style and an authentic heir to the great Romantic writers, has died aged 89. He affected me deeply. He has importan for Buddhists and others pursuing a spiritual life in the modern world The sadness I feel at learning of the...
by Vishvapani | Aug 22, 2019 | Buddhism, Thought for the Day
When the lights go out, we glimpse our dependence on conditions and lack of control. It’s also a window onto our interconnected place in the fabric of life. Interconnectedness and the Systems we Depend on...