by Vishvapani | Sep 26, 2012 | Buddhism
A reflection on suffering and unsatisfactoriness (dukkha) – the motivation for deciding that ‘I must change the way I see the world’ Suffering is part of my life. Everything I experience is tinged with incompleteness. I cannot escape...
by Vishvapani | Sep 24, 2012 | Buddhism
Reflection on karma: our actions have consequences for better or for worse Everywhere I look in the universe I see things arising and passing away in dependence upon conditions. From galaxies and stars to micro-organisms, this pattern holds true. Things aren’t...
by Vishvapani | Sep 22, 2012 | Buddhism
Reflection on Death Here is my version of the second of the four reminders (also called the Four Preliminary Reflections): reflection on death and mortality. One day I will die. I cannot avoid it. It comes to everyone, and it will come to me. Everyone who has lived in...
by Vishvapani | Sep 20, 2012 | Buddhism, Practice
The Four Reminders are guided reflections on what Buddhism considers the basic facts of life. Turning them over is a way of reminding ourselves of what we know, but forget and jolting ourselves into activity. Here’s my version of the first of those reflections...
by Vishvapani | Sep 7, 2012 | Buddha, Buddhism, Interviews
I met German-born Analayo some years ago when he was living a life of intensive meditation and study in a small retreat centre in Sri Lanka. He told me how his study of the Buddha’s original meditation teaching had led him to question established approaches to...
by Vishvapani | Aug 25, 2012 | Buddhism in the West, Reviews
in his life before Buddhism, Issan Dorsey was a ‘bad drag queen’. But at the San Francisco Zen Centre he was a bodhisattva for a gay community blighted by AIDS. This excellent biography vividly evokes his extraordinary life. What...