Entering the Mandala:
Mindfulness & Imagination Online Retreat

Seven days of meditation, creativity and ritual in a spirit of mindfulness and inquiry
Led by Vishvapani and Vidyamala
Friday September 1 – Thursday September 7, 2023
Mindfulness is the ground. Let’s look up at the sky.
This Home Retreat is an opportunity to live for a week with mindfulness, kindness, poetry and creativity, even in the midst of our daily lives.
“Imagine an enormous subterranean chamber all lit up from within. We are living in a tiny chamber next to – indeed, part of – the larger one. We can see nothing at all of what’s going on in the large chamber. In fact, we have no idea that the large chamber is even there.“ Sangharakshita
“If the doors of perception are cleansed, we would see the world as it really is – infinite.”
William Blake

Vishvapani has practised meditation and Buddhism for over 40 years. He’s a writer, best known for Gautama Buddha: the Life and Teachings of the Awakened One and as the Buddhist contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4. He’s a prominent figure in the UK’s mindfulness world and has taught over 150 mindfulness courses.