Mindfulness, Buddhism, Imagination

I’ve practised meditation and Buddhism since I was a teenager. I grew up in South London and now live in Cardiff with my wife and son. I write and broadcast about meditation and Buddhism and teach in Buddhist and mindfulness settings. Much of my teaching explores the role of the imagination
I teach mindfulness for individuals and organisations through Mindfulness in Action.
Coaching with Mindfulness
Work with me to bring greater awareness into you lifewith 1:1 coaching sessions.
Online or in person with Vishvapani.
Heart of Imagination One Day Home Retreat
A week of meditation and creative practice, engaging with poetry, art, nature and symbols.More details available soon.
Led by Vishvapani and Amitajyoti

thought for the day
Reflections on the news from a Buddhist perspective BBC Radio 4 since 2006
I often speak about Buddhism and Mindfulness at conferences, festivals and events, and at Triratna centres
Gautama Buddha
My book about the Buddha, locates him in history without reducing his Awakening
Release stress and anxiety course
A 12 session course on the RoundGlass Living app applying mindfulness skills to stress and anxiety
I work with The Mindfulness Initiative, which supports mindfulness in Westminster and parliaments around the world, and the Mindfulness Wales / Meddylgarwch Cymru, which is working with the Wales mindfulness community and policymakers in a unique collaboration
The Triratna Buddhist Order is the context for my Buddhist practice. I was ordained in 1992 and teach regularly at the Triratna centre in Cardiff, Wales
The writing on this site explores what it means to practice Buddhism, mindfulness and ethics in the modern world. You’ll find reviews, talks, interviews, broadcasts and reflection on the arts as well as explorations of the Buddha and Buddhist teachings
Thought for the Day
Reflections on the news from a Buddhist perspective since 2006 on BBC Radio 4 & Radio Wales
Buddhism in the Modern World
What happens when Buddhism meets the modern world?
Book Reviews
I’ve been involved with the Triratna Buddhist Community since 1980 and have written extensively about the Community, including its difficulties
Essays and reflections: many of them connected to my book: Gautama Buddha: The Life and teachings of the Awakened One
Buddhist views of issues in the moden world
Mindfulness Movement
Mindfulness is becoming a movement with the potential to change society. I’ve been at the heart of that movement in the UK and reflected on its significance and its challenges